Please give us the freedom to play the gamemodes we actually want to play.
Do you like PvP that has a heavy focus on gunplay over abilities? Great! You should have the option to play such a gamemode.
Do you like PvP that has a heavy focus on abilities over gunplay? Great! You should have the option to play such a gamemode.
Do you like PvP that has an even focus on both gunplay and abilities? Great! You should have the option to play such a gamemode.
The problem is not any one of these. The problem is not other players who prefer one or the other. The problem isn't "Comp Sweats" or "Ability Spammers" or "Shotgun Apes."
The problem is that these gamemodes are on [i]weekly rotators.[/i] If you only like one of these gamemodes, then you're only going to enjoy PvP one out of every two or three weeks. And of course, the natural end result is that only a fraction of the PvP players are happy with PvP during a given week, because that's the week that they're preferred mode is available; which of course means that the majority of the playerbase is [i]unhappy[/i] in any given week.
If Bungie just allowed us to play the gamemodes we want to play, then nobody would be stuck playing gamemodes they don't like. We would see a huge drop in the complaints about every gamemode because the people who don't like those gamemodes wouldn't have to play them if they didn't want to. Not [i]all [/i] of the complaining would go away, but it would certainly be a lot less.
[b]Many FPS games have allowed this exact thing for decades: all (or most) gamemodes are available all (or most) of the time, because every player has difference preferences, and will naturally want to play certain gamemodes over others.[/b]
A few counterpoints I'm expecting that I'm going to address preemptively:
1) If none of your preferred gamemodes are available during a given week, then just don't play that week.
Sure, but for a lot of players (specifically free-to-play), they need to do their weekly Crucible bounties for Bright Dust, cause that's the only option they have for buying cosmetics. Cosmetics are expensive, not to mention time gated when it comes to Bright Dust, so F2P players can't always afford to miss a week. This also ties into the ongoing issue of cosmetics being severely overpriced nowadays, but that's a topic for another discussion.
2) If we could play any gamemode whenever we wanted, then certain gamemodes would be less exciting.
So basically, certain gamemodes are more popular than others because of artificial scarcity. Right. That's a bad thing.
3) If we could play any gamemode whenever we wanted, then the less popular gamemodes would have really low player populations.
So you agree that we're being forced to play unpopular gamemodes? As in, the majority of the players have to play a gamemode they don't like in any given week? Yeah, that's the point. What we have right now isn't conducive to fostering a happy playerbase. If a gamemode is unpopular, then it has a low player population. That's just how that works.
This situation is a lot like what happened with Gambit: a lot of players only played gambit for the weekly pinnacle/exotic drop. Now, we can get our three weekly drops per character by playing any combination of 9 ritual activities. This resulted in a much lower player population for Gambit, because the original population was [i]forcefully inflated by the previous system.[/i] Now people can actually play the ritual activities they want to play, and the majority of the playerbase is much better off and happier for it.
For example: While I think the concept of Gambit (PvE Score Race) is a fun idea, I don't really enjoy the actual gamemode. The new system is good for me because now I feel less obligated to play a gamemode I don't enjoy. Simultaneously, the new system is good for people who [i]do[/i] enjoy Gambit, because now they don't have to play as much with people who don't enjoy it.
Ultimately, this is about players having more control over how they play the game. If Bungie really wants to provide us with that, then they need to give us the option to play the gamemodes that we want to play when we want to play them.
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