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12/14/2023 3:23:54 AM

Eververse bundle lost

I was opening an Eververse bundle and was weasled at the same time. (I don't know what was in the bundle because I bought it in the middle of last week and just forgot to open it???). So, I logged back in to reopen it and it was gone like it never existed. The other bundle that I tried to open, my Dawning bright dust bundle, was there and not opened, but the other one was gone. I went back into my purchase history on Steam to see what it was, and it says I have no purchase history for Steam, but I do have one for my xbox account. So, now I don't have any record of purchasing this thing that is now gone into the ether. Can someone help me? Thank you so much!

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  • Hi there. Please go [url=]here[/url] in your Settings to review your Eververse purchase history. If you see something was purchased last week, it will tell you what it was and you can check your Inventory or Collections to determine if you got the item(s). That page or your Silver Purchase History should also show if the bundle was refunded. For more troubleshooting, follow the instructions in [url=]this article[/url]. If that does not help resolve your issue, you can submit a request using the form linked at the bottom. Also be aware that Silver purchases are account-specific, if you purchased the Silver on Xbox. [quote]Silver is associated with your characters, so when you select a set of characters to be active on Cross Save, only that Silver on that platform will be available. The Silver you own on your other accounts will remain tied to those accounts, should you ever choose to access them again. However, any future Silver purchased will be available on the platform it was purchased.[/quote]

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