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12/16/2023 12:02:35 PM

Recovering (very) old account

Hello, I was there years ago when the Forsaken expansion hit. I bought the game/expansions and played for hours and hours. Like any game, after a (long) while I got bored and quit. It must've been like 5 years until yesterday I saw Destiny 2 Legacy Edition for free on Epic Games Launcher. It made me wonder about my old account and if I could still recover it. This doesn't seem as straight forward as with other games. I'm asked to link it with a platform like Steam or playstation, but if I recall right - 5 years ago it wasn't linked to anything. I also read that accounts get wiped after 90 days of activity. Is this true? Is all my progress, my characters, my exotics, my achievements... all wiped out? That seems rather hard, since I even payed for the game/expansion. Or is there another way to recover my good ol' account? Thank you for your help! Kind regards, Drakonn

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