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Recrutement des clans

À la recherche de clans, ou de nouveaux membres pour le vôtre.
1/23/2024 6:20:26 PM

Are you an adult? In the USA or Canada? Can you use discord? Check out our clan!

For consideration respond with your age/ timezone and any pertinent information about yourself/ your destiny experience. We WILL NOT blindly accept random requests to join. If you can't be bothered to read the post (it's short AF), you probably aren't what we're looking for.... We're an ADULT ONLY clan in the US that does teaching raids often and are very active.... Thanks for your consideration! P.S. I'm at work, if you are interested and don't get a reply immediately, just give me a bit, I'll adress each response as soon as I am able

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  • Modifié par atomicdxme : 1/26/2024 3:17:58 PM
    Hi, I'm in the America Central timezone, and I am 31 years old wife/mom. I am active every night mainly. I always play solo, and it gets boring and hard. I have done some raids and two dungeons. I would like to join a clan that's in my time zone or close enough. Most of my previous ones mostly are UK members. They are great, but due to the time difference, I'm still stuck playing alone. Hopefully, you guys can help and accept me.

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      Hi, I'm a 49 year old mother in the Central time zone. I am active at least 4 days a week, more depending on my work schedule. I'm looking for a clan that can help me with exotic missions, raids, dungeons, and completing seals. I can only do so much on my own. I used to play with my sons, but they have moved on to playing other games or just with other people. I've done some of the raids and dungeons, but I don't really know the mechanics. I've mostly been kept on ad clear. My Bungie ID is Renesea#1305 if you would like to consider sending me an invite. Thank you for your consideration.

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      • [quote]For consideration respond with your age/ timezone and any pertinent information about yourself/ your destiny experience. We WILL NOT blindly accept random requests to join. If you can't be bothered to read the post (it's short AF), you probably aren't what we're looking for.... We're an ADULT ONLY clan in the US that does teaching raids often and are very active.... Thanks for your consideration! P.S. I'm at work, if you are interested and don't get a reply immediately, just give me a bit, I'll adress each response as soon as I am able[/quote] I’m 24 and I’m in the USA, Mountain Time Zone. I’ve played destiny 2 when since when the red war was in the game. I stopped playing for a couple years and recently came back. I have done a few raids and am looking to learn and do more.

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        • I also have only been in the clan for about 2 weeks and have done more in those 2 weeks then I have in years of playing. Someone is always willing to help. Everyone I have met has been great and so nice. This is a VERY active clan!! Best 2 weeks of gaming so far and I know it will only get better. Thanks Kick for having me!!

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          • I've been in the clan for about 2-3 weeks. Before this, I was doing a lot of Nightfall and Strike missions and just running around the different planets, but no real end-game content. Since I've joined, I've been in Last Wish, Completed Witch Queen Legendary, and Lightfall Legendary. This is a VERY active group that seems to like teaching raids and dungeons. Hope to see you in the ranks.

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