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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Xaren : 1/25/2023 8:16:18 AM

Destiny 2 Character Customization (e.g Awoken to Exo, Female to Male)

In destiny 2 the only real time you can customize your character is in the very beginning before you begin the campaign in the game. Thereafter if you want to change the way your character looks say you don't like the way your male human Titan looks, and you want to change him into an Exo or make them a female you can't do that unless you store all of your weapons in your vault off of your character then you will need to delete your character and make a new one. This is a really silly process in order to create a new character and it should be better in destiny 2 as an MMO there are many other games that have this as an option but still not in destiny 2. If I were to delete my character and create a new one, I would have to venture through campaigns for the forth or more time such as heading back to that grind for completing stasis and endless story which I already have completed on my male human titan which I wish I could change just instantly to an Exo. I already have done this all, but it is completely unnecessary. This means that it is just a long and lengthy process to change my characters appearance instead of giving Amanda Holiday the ability to inject Botox into my human titans face giving her a purpose bam I am an Exo. If I can change the way I look IRL I should be able to do it in a game not that I do I am happy with the way I look but my human titan wants to be an Exo so I want to give him what he wants. It could have us do bounties similar to Ada-1’s unlocking ornaments except I unlock a face change or more. This has been the second time I typed this, so I hope it all makes sense. What you think Guardians and Bungo can’t we make this happen? [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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