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Modifié par Steel Assassin : 3/2/2024 4:37:59 PM

If i suspect someone is cheating, what should i do?

Before you say the bungie report ticket. I used that. I currently have 4 open tickets, the oldest dating back 5 months. If the ticket submitted to the only place you're supposed to send this kind of thing from almost half a year ago hasn't been looked into, weather the case resolves in a ban or not. Why would I continue to use this system? Should I make my list of disappointing, unaddressed reports expand as nothing is continued to be done? Is this issue not compounding, as to start going though these reports that've backed up for half a year just causes the people who may end up in the job, to simply have too much work to actually do? Or, will reports made pick back up at some point, and past ones be ignored? If so, how would I know when I should start using this feature again? It frustrates me, as someone who'm is blatantly cheating in game, for months who I matched multiple times last week, going to the point i had to use a discord bot to check if they were in a game or not so that the cheaters could ruin someone elses card instead of mine, is still playing. Even in game chat, weeks ago when i'd matched him, and asked why he cheats, his response IN GAME MESSAGES was "why do you still play this game for free?" Both a partial admittable of cheating as he doesn't deny it, but also admits to doing paid services, also not allowed by TOS. Obviously I wont name the account here, because you're not supposed too, but every time I see him, in my games or other peoples, or when i check the trials report weekly first flawless race, and his name is often there, carrying a weekly kd of 17.0 (which at the time of typing, is his current kd for the week). When I see him taking up high rated spots on elo leader boards, knowing he, and some of the accounts he plays with, cheat. But... then i open up the report link, and see nothing has changed, and none of my tickets are ever addressed, and why would I make a new one? In the months it may take before they're even seen, someone will make a fuss on twitter, a ban wave on only the few blatant offenders will get hit, then weeks later, we'll see new accounts doing the same thing. I'm very happy every time i log in and see a thank you for reporting message, and sadly, it happens alot, but the fact that some of the more blatant offenders that don't get caught by the automated system, almost assuredly using something made privately, isn't addressed, because the places where the automated system fail, isn't filled by anyone. Mostly a venting post, but I do hope to hear some kind of feedback on what should be done, at least by me as a player, when the system designed to cover these holes in the system seem to not be addressed. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Help forum where you can find answers and troubleshoot any Destiny in-game/ app issues, courtesy of other helpful players and Mentors. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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