I got my passage of persistence up to 7 wins and it just straight up didn't drop an adept summoner for me :/ don't really understand what's the point of adding the card if it's not gonna work
EDIT: SO it looks like you have to win your first couple games (or not lose with only 0-1 wins on the card? still not 100% sure on that) otherwise it won't count the rest of the card :(
The card, and I suppose the info text, are both wrong/glitched. I won my first five in a row, lost three, and then it became 'flawed' and didn't give me the Adept. In today's news....I can't claim my diamond medallion for watching Twitch streamers. Bungie is really failing at the most basic of stuff here...
in the beginning of my card I would win one lose one (the flawless box must be yellow - if you lose and you get an X reset your card. once you get that two wins and if you lost one after the second win you drop to one win on your card and you'll forever have that one win so the key is to win two in a row to "persistantly" progress the card to 7 wins. Once you hit seven it drops right away post match.
People will come in here and tell you that you need to be fully Flawless the whole way for it to work. Don't listen to them. You can read for yourself on the card that it does not say you have to be Flawless to get the gun. If you go to the section about the Passage in this [url]https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this-week-in-destiny-02-22-24[/url] TWAB you can read that they outright say, and I am pulling this [i]directly from the TWAB[/i] here, "[b]With the new Passage of Persistence, losses following a win will remove the win from your card. Consecutive losses do not remove additional wins. Getting to 7 wins grants you a drop of the weekly Adept weapon, regardless of how many losses you have taken.[/b]" Either it's bugged and they don't want to admit it, or they lied straight to us in both the TWAB and on the card itself. This isn't a case of "inaccurate wording on an item" like with Oathkeepers back in the day, because they acknowledge that how it reads from the passage is how it's supposed to work in their own official blog.
i had my first 3 wins on the card still didnt show the flawless x out. when i got my 7th win it never gave me the adept weapon but showed the x for flawless after that win. totally bugged out bungo.
[quote]I got my passage of persistence up to 7 wins and it just straight up didn't drop an adept summoner for me :/ don't really understand what's the point of adding the card if it's not gonna work EDIT: SO it looks like you have to win your first couple games (or not lose with only 0-1 wins on the card? still not 100% sure on that) otherwise it won't count the rest of the card :([/quote] I won 1st one then lost ,so it's not if u win the first,BUT that's all besides the point since the words written in English say if u get 7 wins( in no order ) u get an adept,and don't go to lighthose
Modifié par kentoran : 3/19/2024 10:46:02 AMwon my first couple games said flawless all the way up to 7 wins after which it said flawed spent all my free time for the past few days slamming my head against a wall of sweats and cheaters to get it done and got nothing for it never touching it again if its not fix and current passages aren't retroactively fixed.
I am the same, I grinded to get the weapon and nothing has dropped for me at all and I'm sat at 7 wins on each character, sort your game out for God sake, bugs and everything every week!!!! I want my adept summoner!!
After 2 passages bugging out on me my 3rd one got to 7 wins and gave me an adept weapon. However I lost my first match after and it instantly flawed my card, locking me out of farming adepts weapons. It's not supposed to work like that and yet it did. They need to just remove the ability for the passage to become flawed, clearly that is the issue. Just make it so you can't use that passage to get to the lighthouse at all. Problem solved.
That card was flawed, as has been mentioned the thing is bugged and you have to win your first two matches otherwise it flaws the card and you can't get an adept. GernaderJake has mentioned people saying even doing that have doesn't guarantee an adept. Regardless, the last TWAB the Passage of Persistence was mentioned in the known issues section. So it's not working properly, they know it, and have acknowledged it.
And how many games do you have to win to get an engram?
It's broken! It didn't work for me either this week or last, even though I tried more than once. I hope they will give everyone who participated in trials the adept for each week. Loot game, you can't get loot from d1 to now same problem.
Same here.. whats up Bungo.. you tricked me back into Trials. Another Hype let down.
Something is going on with the passage that definitely needs attention. Here's my experience with it: I got Passage of Persistence this weekend for the Summoner drop. I played with it and i lost my first few matches, it got flawed so I reset it. I did this a couple of times, but on my third time I did end up going on a true Flawless run (7 wins straight, no wins deducted). I did not notice this at first so at 7 wins I got no in-game drop, I thought the card was bugged until I realized it was 100% flawless. I went to the Lighthouse and got my Summoner drop from the chest and then started playing "normal" Trial matches for post game adept drops. Now, here's the weird part: I played Friday and Saturday with this flawless/lighthouse card and of course, I would lose a game here and there BUT the card remained "Flawless" as in, the game detected it had been a valid lighthouse card so I got the Adept drops. The "Flawless" message on the card showed as valid but this card has a completely different definition of flawless than the other cards. Things changed on Sunday. I believe I went on a big loss streak and afterwards the card was showing as flawed (big red X next to flawless indicator). "No biggie" I thought, as any regular card that was flawless (i.e. lighthouse run) can still get Adept drops, correct? No, not this one anymore. All of my wins on Sunday would drop cores and a Trials engram here and there but ZERO adepts and even zero shards and extra loot you get from a flawless card farm. And I did get quite a few in the previous days so the difference was significant. I personally believe there is a counter in the game somewhere that if you have way too many loses then it triggers a flawed state for the card even if the icon does not show it, and this stays whether the card is true flawless (7wins no loses) or persistence flawless (7 wins with loses that removed one win).
From my understanding if you loose while having no wins on your card it will become flawed and you will not receive an adept unless you reset the card. This means you have to effectively win your first two games of a card in a row before you are protected from being flawed. The card being flawed is shown on the card by the flawless box being marked with an X. The wording on the card doesn't do a good job explaining this though and has lead to a lot of confusion all around.
It's stopped counting at 20 rounds won.. My card has done that too... I haven't quit any games. I reset the card until I won two in a row at the beginning. I have jumped off the map. (was getting stomped and getting shot by a teammate. My response is to jump off the map and let them get on with it for that round. I will play next round if they don't start by shooting me) I'm wondering if jumping off the map in a game voids the card :/