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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Nuclearpath : 3/29/2024 12:43:44 AM

Only half of the weapons available on ITL launch? What?

This is a really confusing one for me personally. I understand you probably want to keep players engaged until right before the final shape, but I really don’t think this is the answer. The only weapon people are particularly excited about that’ll be available week 1 is Recluse and you haven’t even told us which weapons will be releasing week by week. Not only that, but one of those weapons will only give us 2 WEEKS for the limited time ornament. According to you all these are very very rare, so I’m a little confused why you’d time gate this? This is such a strange choice coming off the back of what seemed like a really good stream yesterday, and honestly it feels like a decision that probably should have been mentioned yesterday too, but you all didn’t because damage control live on stream is harder than damage control while you’re all just in the office / working. Whose decision even was this? Who thought: “Yeah let’s force these players to wait until what is essentially right before the final shape for them to be able to get several of these weapons.”? Weird choice Bungie, and honestly I hope this gets enough backlash that whoever thought this was a good idea changes their mind before they realize it’s going to hurt and not help, because currently Bungie seems like it could use the help. Edit: About 20 minutes ago Bungie has changed the way this all will end up working, and everything will now be available by April 30th. I'm personally much happier with this, and while it isn't everything at once, with the idea that new content will also drop in the second half I think this is a good resolution.

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  • I guess people don't understand so i will open your heads. So lets say u want just hammerhead, but that is the final weapon to release. So u have to wait 6 weeks to get the weeapon u only wanted u get me right? Some peps only want 1or 2 guns and that's it, so if there gun they want is time gated they basically have to wait for no reason. I understand spreading out is okay but with final shape around the corner we can't be doing repeats(but i'm not surpried anymore).

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