Playing Iron Banner, or in the Tower, I first get Contacting Destiny 2 servers, then either error code weasel or bee, then most of the time PS4 crashes with blue screen and CE-34878-0 error. Was happening a few times a day, but today it has happened 6-8 times. Game is now unplayable. I have tried various things: restarting game, console, and router. Rebuilt database. Nothing working today.
Modifié par viiTactiiCZz : 4/7/2024 12:05:15 AMPer PS support - contact them. [quote]How to fix CE-34878-0 An error has occurred with the application. Close the application, install the latest System Software and game updates and restart the system. If you have upgraded the Hard Disk Drive ('HDD') in your system, please re-install the original HDD. If the error occurs again, back up your saved data, and then go to Settings > Initialization and choose Initialize PS4. If the error occurs with every application, or as soon as the application starts, please contact PlayStation Support.[/quote]