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4/14/2024 4:14:30 PM

Fireteam Finder feedback - desktop - refresh listings

When I pull up fireteam finder on desktop and see listings, I often need to refresh to see new listings. The only way I can figure how to do that is with F5/ctrl-R. This reloads the whole page, when all I need are updated listings. There should at least be a [u]refresh[/u] button on the page to update the listings. Even better would be a button that would continuously poll for new listings for like 30-60 seconds, so I don't have to repeatedly hit refresh myself, not knowing whether or not there are any new listings.

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  • I get the same thing on console, no fireteams at all. I just close the finder and reopen it. It is obvious to me the person who implemented this new design probably never used any fireteam finder and does not play the game. It just sucks. The old version worked fine. The ability to see multiple posts was perfect. Now I can only see three or four and have to scroll. Needless to say, I have not used the new one for one raid, dungeon, or nightfall.

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