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Destiny 2

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4/15/2024 8:02:23 PM

fishing tackle, season of the deep

I’ve seen many posts asking about how to get fishing tackle after season of the deep ended. I fell off destiny around/during that season and I don’t have it. The posts I keep seeing say to complete the introductory mission and I should be able to pick it up from Hawthorne; no such thing has happened. I finished the introductory mission, retrieved the item I was presented with, “NPA Repulsion Regulator” or something, and all that happened was I got the “Targeted Redaction” hand cannon. I don’t have an “into the depths” quest. There is nothing at Hawthorne except a quest for completing “Ghosts of the Deep” Dungeon. Is this confirmation this character won’t have access to fishing ever? The only reason I did that mission was so I could get the tackle, but there’s nothing here. Yes, I have the annual pass; just to prevent that question being asked.

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