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5/2/2024 7:26:54 PM

Looking for Endgame Raiders! (West Coast/Pacific Timezone Especially!)

Hey Guardians! We're currently looking for more players interested in joining us for endgame activities. Preferably those with experience. We're currently running about 2 to 3 raids a week, more if folks are available on the weekends. Our group is mostly central and eastern players, so we're hoping to add more pacific/west coast players to fill out our roster. We have a decent number of folks with raid and day 1 experience. We enjoy teaching as well as getting triumphs knocked out for folks chasing raid seals. Feel free to check us out here: We do require discord to organize events so add me on discord (nismoace) and I'll get you squared away, any other questions or concerns feel free to shoot them my way :)

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