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Destiny 2

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5/22/2024 10:40:55 PM


Cuz Sony has a bone to pick with you….

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  • Who does the balancing? Well in Bungie HQ, on the game dev floor, way, way back in a corner that the light from the main strip-lights doesn't reach, where everything is dim and dark, hidden in that darkness there is rumored to be a team of game balancers. No-one really knows the balancers, no-one knows who makes up the team, they never come out of their corner and brave the light to be seen. Some speculate this is because they're afraid of interaction with their colleagues, some say it's because they covet the power to change the meta and fear that if they leave their desks someone else will take their seat and the power that comes with it. Some who dare not tread into the darkness themselves gossip that there isn't anything in the darkness at all, that the balancing just happens... but some days people swear that the darkness from that corner grows and spreads out a little further into the main area, and that before an update drops that you can hear a faint keypress and a quiet chuckle barely louder than a whisper, come out of the darkness of that corner.

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