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Destiny 2

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6/23/2024 3:10:25 AM

[HDDSNH] Strike Battlegrounds: Fun change suggestion

Hello there, and welcome to another episode of: HDDSNH [i][Audience clapping noises][/i] [b]Today, we ask:[/b] How does destiny still not have strike specific loot? This was a feature in the original game, and was quite enjoyed, made reasons for replaying strikes for gear only they could provide. This is great for furthering player engagement. I will be referring to Battlegrounds by the shorthand of "BG". This is because I am too lazy to spell it over and again. Battlegrounds are former seasonal activities that were folded into the strikes playlist some time ago, and receive new BGs(Battlegrounds) as the seasons would come and go. This gives the strike playlist more activities in the list, yes. However player sentiment has been negative for some time now on the way they were integrated. Possibly due to the perceived longer time certain BGs would take to complete in relation to a average strike length. If I may, I would suggest that upon completion of a Battleground strike players are rewarded with the traditional strike loot, of course. But also a single seasonal piece of armor or weapon as a guarantee from them. These drops would correspond with the seasonal loot in which the BG was released. This change could have the potential to allow methods of farming old seasonal loot that is still desired to this day, be they for crafting, or just the weapons themselves, while also providing that "strike specific loot" itch that players would like to see. Such a change would, to my uneducated eyes, take very little effort and offer players even more reasons to continue playing the game, rather than standing in front of a vendor when they roll around in some random week for a few minutes and then logging off. At the end of the day, Bungie wants you to keep playing, and we want more loot. And perhaps this could be a step forward for both of us. Thank you for attending this episode of HDDSNH, and good luck on your exotic motes!

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