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6/18/2024 2:35:00 AM

The Blooming - Overthrow Bugged State

Within the blooming, whilst completing overthrow, if the player is preforming overthrow in the encounter just to the right of the patrol landing zone, in the rock face area, after defeating the three waves of targets whilst the ghost is scanning next to the taken blight, the player may face a bug where the encounter fails to give the player the points needed to continue the overthrow event. This has been tested multiple times in different phases of overthrow and will consistently occur in this specific area to the right of the patrol landing zone relative to the map. Essentially the encounter in this area goes like this. Player starts scanning the blight that lifts into the air. Player kills ads and the yellow bar enemy(ies) to start the next phase. This continues 3 times until nothing more spawns, the ghost doesn't stop scanning, no chest is dropped, and no points are awarded. Riding sparrow and attempting to rescan as well as leaving the space and returning, then, scanning again does not resolve the issue. It will persist and stay in a bugged state until the player kills enough enemies to force the overthrow into the next level. Please refer to photos to grasp better detail of this bug.

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