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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Lord Simpleton : 7/1/2024 4:49:21 AM

Your Typical Titan

Disclaimer, this is meme, haha, having all 3 characters can poke fun but d@mn if I didn't just finish up a NF with the most typical Titan main. Rushes to each encounter like the paper boy just to wipe as soon as they came. After revive realizes their new leg exotic buffs their bum rush & while activating wipes again; revive, again; they rush past every checkpoint triggering ads locking others to "joining fireteam" screen. After you & other team-mate take out every champion alone waiting for the last round that same Titan acts like it's their mission from God to down boss before final wave spawns...for reals...typical Titan main. 😂

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  • Too many clowns play like this. One of the reasons I do most things solo. If I matchmake with one of these brain dead dropouts I don't bother reviving them. Let them wait it out and not cause more damage while they're dead. If they keep going the same way, I'll eventually just T-bag their orb.

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