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Destiny 2

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7/1/2024 12:17:57 PM


I'm just creating this post as there are a few World Triumphs for Nessus as well as the EDZ which were originally completed by obtaining a bounty from 'The Spider' vendor on the 'Tangled Shore' back in Season of Arrivals and prior. These Bounties however, are no longer obtainable which also renders the triumphs unobtainable as well, which has been the case since Beyond Light Launched on Nov 10th 2020. This is well over 3 years which these triumphs are not obtainable, or roughly 1329 days. I guess I'm just wanting to know if these bounties/triumphs will be obtainable in future? Or if they could be moved to the DCV as they haven't been able to be completed for a long time. Mainly this bugs me as a completionist as I've not been able to obtain max active triumph score for this entire duration because of a triumph thats not been able to be completed.

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