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Destiny 2

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Modifié par May : 7/12/2024 10:14:30 AM

Let Transendence grenades work with exotic perks

As of now, most and almost all exotic perks do not work with Transendence grenades resulting in boring or even frustating outcomes, for example warlock's apotheosis veil's exotirc perk insatiable or spirit of apotheosie doesn't give grenade energy during Transendence, meaning if you used you Transendence to buff your super damage you then won't be able to fully use that exotic perk, hunter's Young Ahamkara's Spine does not buff their Transendence grenade even tho it's basically a big trip mine nor does it get the grenande energy gain from solar ability kills, it wouldn't even be op since Transendence is not something you always have, it would be like using one of those exotic perk that buff your super but for Transendence instead Bungie said they will look more into prismatic balance wise since stuff didn't break as much as they were expecting them to be so they definitly should let exotic perk combo with Transendence grenades

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