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Destiny 2

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7/16/2024 6:43:12 PM

Saint-14 whining

Honestly I can't understand all this whining about not being the original Saint-14 is going on about, I mean first off he's an Exo so that should've been the first give-away that he wasn't the original and second off as an Exo the number in his name tells how many times he's been resetted and in Saint-14's case he's been resetted 14 times, so once again i literally can't understand his whining cause he was never the "original" to begin with.
#lore #destiny2

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  • Just to clear up any misunderstanding, resets are not done on Guardian Exos, the 14th reset was prior to him being risen by his ghost. Resets on Exos were primarily intended to combat DER but it may also be from having to rebuild them after their combat with the Vex in the Golden Age. The point they are trying to make (and poorly in my opinion) is that our meddling with the Vex time loop in the Infinite Forest to save Saint-14 is the wedge that the Conductor is trying to force Saint-14 to comply with them. Personally, the man headbutts enemies for fun, I don't think his motivation would be so complex as an existential crisis. Why think about problem when punch problem work just fine? I'm not trying to say he's not smart but this doesn't really fit his character.

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