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Modifié par UncleMommy : 7/27/2024 10:27:32 PM

Brand New LGBTQ+ Clan for stoners. Ppl n the Spectrum. Allies & Active CHILL members who almost play daily. Drama free safe space. Weekly activities. Prob the most Fun discord to be in! Your new gaming family!

[i][b]Who are we?[/b][/i] We are the CIStem Crashers!! Our clan was created with the intent to be a safe space for stoners, those who identify as queer or lgbtq+, the disabled/handicapable, those on the spectrum, & their allies/supporters. Although this a D2 (and TFD) focused clan, we consider ourselves a [i]GAMING[/i] clan-Period! [i][b]Why?[/b][/i] CIStem Crashers was founded by two D2 vets who were tired of being in inactive, cliquey, toxic, or unnecessarily strict clans. We wanted to create an environment where ppl enjoy playing with each other, possibly on a daily basis without DRAMA. Our ultimate intent is create a place where you make friends for life and add to your chosen family! [i][b]Our Founders:[/b][/i] Founded by two by players -blam!- enjoy D2 and have played periodically since release. Together we have 8+ years of experience as players and mods, a Day One clear, 169 Raid/Dungeon clears, over 488 hours in PvP, 3,440+ PvE hours, & a questionable obsession with build crafting. Safe to say..... we know a thing or two about a thing or two😅. RANDOM FACT: we're both drag artists & enthusiasts, irl.🤡 [b][i]Clan Vibes & What to expect from Leadership?[/i][/b] Vibes are chill and laidback which will only possible if ppl follow the set rules. A few key rules can be seen below. Clan Admin/Moderators are [i][b]NOT[/b][/i] here to carry you! We [i][b]ARE[/b][/i] here to help when/where we can, and to [i][b]TEACH[/b][/i] or pass down any knowledge we have to members. 💡IF we don't have an answer to your inquiry (we don't claim omnipotence), we [i]will[/i] find the best answer we can in the time permitted. We all are constantly learning new things every day. We are both on the spectrum & understand the struggles with mental health, however we believe that's not an excuse for ANYONE to be a jerk or rude. [i][b]What do we expect from members?[/b][/i] Everybody's life journey & experiences are valid and we'd like to be as respectful to that as possible. So, upon joining we will expect these key rules to be followed in the clan: • Disrespecting people in any way or format is strictly prohibited. This includes hate speech or imagery based on, but not limited to: race, creed, gender identity, -blam!- orientation, disability, nationality or political view. No harassment of any kind. Member reports will be handle carefully & thoroughly. • Respect others identities and pronouns. If you are asked to call someone by a specific pronoun, we expect you to do so. • No actions that violates Bungie's or Discord's Terms of Service (TOS). • No one under 18 years old. NO NSFW allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS! • Keep self promotion in the proper discord channel • Admins/Moderators ultimately have finally say. We welcome ACTIVE players of all skill levels and capabilities, all we ask is that you check in once a month, MINIMUM. 35 days of inactivity in game or the server will cause the bot to KICK you. No Cliques allowed: everyone will be expected to mingle at some point for scheduled events or clan activities. [I][b]Why stay?[/b][/i] Camaraderie, Clan Events/Activities, Contests/Giveaways, Socialize. We will be in a constant state of recruitment for new members (we'll try on a daily basis). We are a very new clan, growth will take time-so please stick in there with us during this process. As membership increases, those who stick with us will earn levels within our discord to gain different benefits and authorities. [i]*ALL MEMBERS WILL BE ALLOWED TO VOICE OPINIONS, REQUESTS, & GIVE FEEDBACK AS WELL AS REPORT VIOLATORS VIA TICKETS*[/i] Conflict resolution will be a priority. Actions well be taken thoroughly & swiftly. Membership [i]QUALITY[/i] is paramount, not [i]QUANTITY![/i] Therefore, we only want to keep those around that are respectful and just enjoy gaming without the need to be rude or condescending to others and are willing to build/grow with us & make this a home! [i][b]Any MANDATORY requirements?[/b][/i] Yes! Discord is a [i][b]Must[/b][/i] and you will not be accepted into the clan otherwise. Communication is necessary for events, lfg, etc. Click or copy/paste this link for an invite: [url][/url] [i](IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A DISCORD. SELECT "Already have an account?" .......all new accounts must be 24 hrs old w/profile pic for security reasons)[/i] Please Up vote this post, if you decide to join us, it'll help us grow. [i][b]What we offer:[/b][/i] • Weekly Raids/Dungeons (if interest is shown) • Day One Raids • Build crafting expertise • PvP training/practice/tips • Community events beyond D2 • Endgame expertise • Uniquely Chill discord

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