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Modifié par Agent Vulpes : 7/27/2024 4:47:11 AM

A Problem of Paranoia

This is probably not the place to talk about this, but I want to yell into some void somewhere about this. I am a big fan of stuff like VHS horror and creepypastas and the like. I just cannot get enough of it, especially when it’s about games I like, like Minecraft (the Minecraft community is oddly ripe with this kind of content). The problem is, it makes me super paranoid for days after I consume this content. I work a job that has me coming home late some days, and I have to park about 75 feet (a probably bad estimate) from my house. I can’t help but to run to my house and glance over my shoulder a few times just to be sure I’m not followed by some shadow beast. There’s also the classic “running up the dark stairway to avoid the demon” thing when I’m at work alone (I work in a small movie theater and that place gets creepy at night). I’m writing this because I love the content but I just can’t help but to feel paranoid that something’s watching me or I’m about to be attacked, I hate it. I want to walk in the dark and enjoy looking at the stars instead of being afraid. The way I’ve written this could have over-exaggerated some things, but I think I’ve written this well otherwise. Like I said in the beginning, I just wanted to yell into the void about it, thank you for reading this if you cared. Edit: Gonna restate, it’s not all the time I feel like this, maybe only a week or two after viewing creepy content.

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  • Modifié par daquvion : 7/28/2024 11:20:50 PM
    Damn I used to be so obsessed with analog horror back then but I don’t get scared anymore and it makes me pissed 😤 I miss that paranoia feeling is there any analog horror vids out there that can give it I’ve already watched the Mandela catalogue and vita carnis the only time where I knew I had to take a break was when I read about I told you to smile that scared my soul out of me I was hallucinating so much I couldn’t even sleep at all at night cuz of it it got so bad I got sleep praylasis I saw like a black figure which at that point I just decided to stay up all night but if I were u if it gets so bad to the point where u hallucinate It’s best to take a break for a month or 2

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  • Main thing that really creeped me out was being at sea, its so eerie with only ocean in sight, especially at night in the smoke pit. Then you think to the fact that much of the ocean we can't see or explore like the Marianas Trench, whats really down there the Kraken perhaps. The only other slightly spooky thing is barracks duty, especially between the quietest hours between midnight and 3AM, sometimes it almost felt like you were being watched, barracks was also a 1970's era building so you know, haunted tales and whatnot...

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    • 2
      I used to be like that as a kid, but idk I think I’m just too tired to be scared like that nowadays lol.

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    • Modifié par x Lets Get It On : 7/27/2024 7:09:48 PM
      I'm no help at all about this but from experience I can say; If you feel like you're being watched, chances are you are. But at the same time I think that's a good thing, you being aware of your surroundings and even if you wouldn't watch and read the creepy stuff, nowadays life is scary at night.

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    • Modifié par Crayola of Death : 7/27/2024 6:50:50 AM
      Dude after playing "Alien Isolation'' I refused to walk underneath any air vents whatsoever, It was months before I stopped. Even then when I was little the "Weeping Angels" episode scared me to the point where I learned to keep my eyes open for over 3 minutes before blinking because statues scared me to the point where I refused to be near one with another person there. "The Thing".gave me an inexcusable level of distrust of my own dog growing up. That kind of stuff is natural because for some reason our brains know how to be the biggest -blam- to us

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      • Modifié par LahDsai : 7/27/2024 3:13:07 PM
        One of the best parts of having a pet is when you start to feel paranoid you can look over at them because [i]supposedly[/i] they're more in tune with that sort of thing and if they're calm, you can be calm. ... but when they stand in front of an open door, glass door, or at the bottom/top of the stairs staring into the darkness, wide-eyed, stiff, and unmoving... *[i]shudder[/i]* ... but hey, better than when they stare wide-eyed, stiff, and unmoving at you, amirite?

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        • Honestly, I'm not actually sure this is that bad of a thing. Being alert and aware of your surroundings while walking home alone at night isn't a bad idea. I'll admit, I'm not that great with distances, so I'm not actually sure what 75 feet entails, but I'm willing to bet if someone wanted to hurt you for whatever reason, that's probably enough space to do it. Now, obviously, this feeling can become a problem if it invades other spaces, ones that are generally safe, such as just going to bed at night, but, like, while being alone outside at night as you head home, good time to be scared. Being scared makes you alert, and being alert is the first step to not being stabbed!

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          • Modifié par DarthWolfric : 7/27/2024 12:18:48 PM
            Sometimes it’s a cool feeling. Fear can make you feel more alive than ever. Back in 2018 I did a road trip from Zagreb, Croatia to Perast, Montenegro, via Bosnia, and night in Bosnian border towns was spooky, to say the least. Out in the middle of nowhere, empty, dark, crumbled Yugoslav-era buildings, even saw wolves in someone’s driveway. The undetonated explosive warnings put me a little on-edge too (in a different way!!). It was cool, though.

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          • That’s the whole point of creepy content and horror generally. If it doesn’t make you super alert in the most random yet relatable of places, the content isn’t scary enough. Can’t do the time, don’t do the crime 😎

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          • Relatable. I like listening to a cryptid podcast despite being a massive -blam!-. Sometimes I listen to it at work, but I work graveyard shift. Some of the properties on my patrol route or a little spooky, so it's not exactly the best thing for someone with quite the imagination to be listening to and yet, I can't help myself sometimes

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          • Modifié par jmann43b : 7/27/2024 5:23:17 AM
            I used to work at the local coffee shop where I live. It's housed in a defunct church that was built in 1910 so it has a certain.......ambience about it. Allegedly, it's haunted but I can't say that I've ever experienced anything paranormal during my time there. Typically, I worked the closing shift and since I was in a supervisory position and some of my co-workers were either younger and also attending college or simply had [i]actual[/i] lives (which I admittedly do not), it wasn't uncommon for me to let them leave for home while I finished up whatever work was remaining. During the week this wasn't such a big deal given we closed at 9pm but on the weekends when we were much busier (live music and things like that) we wouldn't close until 10pm and clean-up could lead to maybe 12 or 1 o'clock in the morning. That's if there were 2 of us. On my own, I might not finish up until later, sometimes leading me to actually spend the night there should I unfortunately have an early shift the following day. This wasn't really a problem for me since I'd have my music playlist and a portable blu-tooth speaker to jam out to, along with some beers I'd purchase from the neighboring liquor store when I knew it would be a late one. Sometimes, though, old buildings have a [i]sound[/i] about them that would make me a bit uneasy; again, nothing life altering ever happened but still, there would be that tiny voice in my head saying, "Should you see what that was? Nah, it was only.........something......perfectly normal, no need to fret about it." That feeling would sometimes persist though. Then, to top it off, I had the walk home which was about 6 or 8 blocks through a dinky little railroad town that closed down hours before. It can be eerie sometimes, to be perfectly honest. But at the same time, I found it remarkably peaceful most nights without the hustle and bustle of modern life; or what passes for modern life in Bumblefart, Nowhere, USA, and I often embraced it. To summarize this long-winded tale, if something is going to happen, it's going to happen. But until it does, enjoy that feeling of being alive (which I'm of the opinion is what fear actually is) and to quote a Dean Koontz novel title, "Seize the Night."

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