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Destiny 2

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7/25/2024 2:02:44 PM

Gut Hunter

Hunter is way too strong and has been for the entirety of this franchise. Things that are currently way overtuned: Smoke Bombs Swarm Grenades Clones Clones Clones Clones Gut these items. I don’t know who OK’d this, but they’re a moron. Hunters can control the entire map and manipulate radar, all from a distance. And if you get too close, then you’re slowed by a Dodge and one-tapped by a clone. [b]- Clones:[/b] Clones need to be deployed over time. It shouldn’t be instant. Over the span of a few seconds they should generate, but while they’re being created they should be one shot to destroy. That way you can actually counter them, and a Hunter can’t just place one for free in the middle of a gunfight with absolutely no counter. They also shouldn’t drag aim assist and shouldn’t spawn Threadlings. There’s no reason for them to explode and chase you. One or the other. [b]- Smoke Bombs:[/b]Smoke Bomb’s radar manipulation is very, very strong, and considering they’re small and hard to spot, they can lead to extremely free kills. The enemy can’t see, they can’t move, they’re taking heavy AoE damage, and they take bonus damage? And on top of that they have no counters? They definitely have too much. Smoke Bombs shouldn’t even deal damage. They’re meant to disorient and ambush. Which is why I think Smoke’s shouldn’t deal damage or slow enemies, but rather create a much larger cloud of smoke that lingers, and enemies that are in it are Weakened and can’t see. [b]- Swarm Grenades:[/b] These just shouldn’t be strong. As a grenade that literally has absolutely no counter and can’t be destroyed or stopped, there’s no reason that they should do so much damage. They need to have some kind of counter. They linger crazy long, track, deal tons of damage, and can’t be shot down? They shouldn’t linger idle. Once you throw them, they should perform like Siva and kind of float around sporadically in a spot, and then dissipate after a few seconds. If someone is close, they should track them. And finally, NERF STORMS EDGE

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