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Destiny 2

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Modifié par jhermannITJ : 9/12/2024 6:43:15 PM

Woah... TWiD repeater here...

Oct. 11th The new race to show who actually is the best. Contest DUNGEON!!! @BUNGIE... If I EVER asked you for one thing, please sponsor a SOLO category. And before anyone runs in here to tell me I don't have a shot... I KNOW. 😩... 😉 I'll be runnin' 3-man though... I have a crew that I got 4 years with. Ok, maybe I am getting the itch... That's why IF you announce a Solo category now... I'd start prepping and training. Hey, how about this? Can you make the GM selector node populate all the GMs until the end of the episode, so I don't have to use a bot? Tbh, I don't know if I have it in me anymore... I'm in my 40s... but I am so stoked on this. Fire in my belly. 1st thing I did was message my crew. Let's be honest Day One has always been about who has the 3 BEST players. I want to know... I want to watch. SALT... ATP... Chablo... Sweats... Gladd... or ESO. Imagine that solo race. Imagine the teams... the drama, the intrigue. This is something I've always wanted for the game since Zero Hour launched. @Bungie... thank you 😇 👍💠.

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