After the solstice event I still have to forge from the solstice event in my inventory for my two characters my third character had it for a little while but then it went away is anybody else deal with this and how to remove it off. Form. The inventory?
Hello, Thanks for reaching out! We're actively investigating this issue. In the meantime, some players have been able to get around this issue by trying to reshape a weapon, then backing out and going back to the shape menu.
People still have other trash stuck in the inventories from YEARS ago. Bungie doesn't care, unfortunately. This issue has been known for weeks (saw a Bungie reply in another thread at least 2 weeks ago) and still nothing has been done. It wouldn't be THAT big a deal if it wasn't SHOWING AND TAKING UP SPACE IN THE FEATURED QUESTS AREA. Absolute incompetence.
I posted this same thing after Solstice ended and no answer from Bungie
Same issue and more i got quest from year 7 i'm trying to get rid of and nobody cares....
I have the same issue. And not have gold gardien de flamme !!
I have the same issue. I believe Bungie is aware of it, and hopefully working on a fix sometime sooner then later. I have 2 characters with it stuck in the quest area. Kinda annoying