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Modifié par RaySolo : 10/13/2024 4:34:35 PM

Bug: Sprint & Slide is bugged if both are bound on same button on Xbox

I had Sprint and Crouch bound on same button, Left Bumper, for years now. Before Revenant update all I had to do was hold the stick forward and press LB to start sprinting, second press of LB would slide. So game would prioritize sprint over crouch even if both are bound on same button. I can basically sprint- slide, sprint-slide faster. But after the update as you can see in the video, game is prioritizing crouch first and then sprint. Sometimes it is not even registering sprint. So on my first press of LB, my hunter would crouch first and then sprint. This is so off putting and messed up years of my muscle memory. All I want is go back to what it was before the update. Sprint should be prioritized over crouch. Pls look into this issue.

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