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10/16/2024 2:56:40 PM

Wicked Implement Not Working With Anti-Barrier Scout Rifle Artefact Perk

I have been using Wicked Implement with my new Stasis build since Revenant started, and after using it in Onslaught:Salvation, I have noticed that it does not work as an Anti-Barrier option. I have the Anti-Barrier Scout Rifle perk selected on my artefact, and on my character screen, on the Anti-Barrier tab, the mod is highlighted when Wicked Implement is equipped, as to imply it is active. However, in missions, there is no Anti-Barrier symbol next to its ammo count. I have tested with a Servant Leader, and the perk seems to work with other Scout Rifles, just not Wicked Implement.

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  • Hey there, this has been confirmed to be correct. [quote][b]Clarification on Stasis Exotics and Artifact Mods[/b] We have seen reports that Wicked Implement and Conditional Finality aren’t receiving the Anti-Barrier perk from the Artifact. This is by design due to the exotics being Stasis and having the intrinsic "Slow" perk already, which can be used against Overload champions.[/quote]

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