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12/18/2024 8:21:16 AM

cross save characters not appearing

I recently swapped over to Steam from PS5 and activated cross save but non of my characters are there when I open the game is there any way I can fix that?

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  • Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. As per our system, your Steam account is not part of your existing Cross Save setup. Currently, your PlayStation and Xbox accounts are linked, with your Xbox profile as your active account. This means that, when you play on PlayStation, you are in fact using your Xbox set of characters. As Steam is not connected to your Cross Save setup, you will not see those characters on Steam. Further, your Cross Save setup has been this way for a while, and there is no record of you having recently enabled a new setup. Also, you would not be able to do so for the moment regardless, as you have recent Silver purchases that render you unable to adjust Cross Save at this time. Here's what this means for you, if you'd like to adjust your Cross Save setup in order to play your Xbox characters on Steam: - First, you will need to wait out the mandatory cooldown that results from making a Silver purchase. - Then, you will need to disable Cross Save. There will be another mandatory cooldown you will need to wait out. During this time, you would have to play on Xbox to continue progressing the same characters. - Following this, you will be able to reenable Cross Save and choose your new setup, presumably linking PlayStation and Steam to your Xbox account while selecting Xbox as your active profile, assuming you want to continue with the same characters you've been using. I strongly recommend consulting [url=]this guide[/url] for further information related to Cross Save and its intricacies.

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