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Modifié par PlyfexHD : 1/1/2025 5:31:42 PM

Why do I have to search the missions for the Story??

Hello, I wanted to play the Forsaken Story Missions but why is it so complicated. First of all I played the quick mission with Cayde on the Timeline and then in the dreaming city there was another story mission where petra speaks to the queen. And now? Why do I have to search the missions... Is there any website with a list that shows all the story missions and where they are? I confused right now I know that you cant play the normal campaign for forsaken anymore but are there more missions

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  • It's probably 'cause "Forsaken" & "Shaddowkeep" now come free with thwe game, so it's kinda like "Legacy" Triumphs & the "Legend"-section in your directory. Basically means that it's content that might not have the original locations, like "The Tangled Shore". Only part thats left from the "Forsaken", is "The Dreaming City" & you had to open that through a questline...

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  • There are 4 missions. One is timeline based (Cayde's Fate) and that's just a sped up/snapshot style mission of the initial Forsaken mission. The other 3 are weekly rotated missions accessible via the bounty from Petra. The 3 rotator ones aren't really part of the campaign, but instead missions that take place after the Forsaken campaign itself based around the Dreaming City curse evolving.

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