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Destiny 2

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1/11/2025 4:21:13 PM

Failure to keep promises.

I'm rather disappointed with this season. Especially act 3. We were promised by Bungie, that we would get a castlevania themed vampire hunting exotic mission. We have not. It isn't even close. I wish Bungie would quit blaming us for having to high of expectations, when they can't even follow through on the very things they promised in the first place. Our expectations are pretty low when they should be higher but Bungie did that to themselves. As someone who is a day 1 of D1 vet, Bungie you disappoint me.

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  • What those words mean to you probably mean entirely different things to the devs. Especially when we consider that they have to be applied as a theme, adapted to destiny, rather than a one to one translation. Personally, I felt like the themes were obviously there. My issue with the mission is moreso that it doesn't do anything to stand on its own gameplay wise, and at this point, we've gotten so used to exotic missions that just being another one isn't enough on it's own.

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