Hear me out, we lose then a D3 is released in 4-5 years.
If I could define the story now in one word the word would be “Child” and the reason I use this word is because it just feels so silly.
It feels so goofy, no real meaning, the villains are laughable, no real stakes, just underwhelming.
I think a really and I mean really dark story for D3 would do wonders, or maybe D3 is when the golden age happened then the darkness came around.
I’ve always complained the story wasn’t dark enough, but this is my own personal opinion.
Modifié par MC 077 Lasombra : 1/16/2025 2:12:49 AMCause they retconned the story into garbage. That’s what happens when you take a premise that requires a definite end and make it unending. Light and Dark were originally the same power, Darkness was merely corrupted Light. That’s where Ulan-Tan’s Symmetry comes in. To stop the Darkness we’d need to sacrifice our Light. That’s where the Darkness Guardians, civil war (the drifter and aunors cut off storyline) and other narrative aspects were meant to drive the story instead of who’s sleeping with who nonsense. And that’s what the name “Destiny” was about. By removing the power from the cosmos, after eliminating all the threats that required it to stop them, we put everyone’s“Destiny” back into the hands of normal people without some unfair juiced up godlike being monkeying things up.