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Modifié par BNGHelp3 : 1/20/2025 6:37:55 AM

I'm being hacked they are trying to steal my account

Ok so I'd like to start this off by saying I've asked Bungie for help before and was told tough luck but here we go again. Some person in South America is actively trying to take my account, first they deleted my characters, then they deleted my clan, then they changed my account name to "G", then they changed the language to Portuguese Brazil, then they changed my accounts active email to [REDACTED] now they are trying to use Bungie support to take access to my account BUNGIE HELP REQUEST NUMBER 366848 WAS NOT ME I DO NOT AUTHORIZE ANYTHING THAT WAS SAID IN THAT REQUEST. I am American, I live in Ohio have lived here my whole life. I asked you for help when my characters and gear were deleted you said no. Now I have a major security breach and I NEED HELP!!!!!

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  • Hi there. Unfortunately Bungie cannot help with platform account security issues. Players are responsible for their own accounts. Bungie doesn't have any way to access your account details or lock someone out of it. Only you or your platform's support can assist you in this situation. We highly recommend you immediately change passwords and enable 2-factor authentication on all of your linked accounts. If you've not done so already, contact each of your platforms for further assistance regarding your accounts' security. For more tips on how to secure your account, you can check out Bungie's [url=]Account Security Guide[/url].

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    3 commentaires
    • I think your PvP game history from a week ago, when this supposedly all started, compared to how you play PvP now speaks [i]volumes[/i]. Regardless, they won't restore anything you've lost. Best you can do is secure your account as best as you can and move on, and work with Steam to try and get that account banned on their end because Bungie won't do anything here, and screaming about it and name shaming is just going to get [i]you[/i] banned instead. Consider this a lesson learned in account security.

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    • Locking as the correct information has been provided.

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    • Not so fast, I’ve helped you. Probably not in the way you want, but I have helped

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