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Destiny 2

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2/6/2025 6:15:47 PM

Lodestar highlights the problems with trace rifles

To be clear, I don't mean that Lodestar feels bad, I mean that special ammo trace rifles feel bad compared to Lodestar. Lodestar feels good because it's a primary weapon. It does respectable levels of damage for a primary, and you don't have to worry about ammo. Special trace rifles, on the other hand, do about the same amount of damage as Lodestar (in other words primary weapon levels of damage), but they cost special ammo, which just doesn't feel worth it. There's a reason they've been completely replaced by rocket sidearms. Some people have suggested just making all trace rifles primary weapons, but we already have several weapon archetypes that fill the same or similar roles, so that wouldn't really help give them a place in the game. What I think needs to happen is that they need to get buffed enough that they do the kind of damage you would expect from a special weapon. In my opinion, the best way to do this would be to give the entire special trace rifle archetype a ramping damage buff that increases their damage the longer you hold down the trigger. It would fit perfectly with their theme as "sci-fi death lasers", and would also finally give them a distinct and unique role in the game, allowing them to excel at burning down high health targets, or charging up to mow down large swarms of red bars.

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