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Destiny 2

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2/7/2025 8:04:52 PM

Please Close Feedback Fourms.

They System Bungie has in place is Bungie makes game Content Creators are free advertising Community pays money to content creators Content creators spend money on game Bungie makes a profit Community dislikes something in game Community brings it to Content Creators Content Creators are ambassadors or middlemen to relay feedback Content Creators relay feedback to Community Managers Community Managers bring feedback from Content Creators to a general meeting General meeting approves or disapproves what to bring before the directors In order to keep making money content creators have to really sell the product and entertain their audience. In order that everyone keeps making money they gotta hype the product like an online street hearld handing out newspapers and screaming “read all about it!” In order to maintain communication with the community managers, content creators cannot complain too often. Or else they’ll be black listed. The community also drowns out the voices of good ideas. Imagine 5k people talking at once in a twitch chat all trying to relay feedback to a content creator. Content creators can’t keep up. Information gets lost and drown in the masses of emojis and three word responses to things happening live in game. Feedback that matters never reaches the community managers. Which means everything breaks down. In order to appear on paper as having good community support the Fourms exist. But besides monitors or moderators policing the Fourms, it’s largely just a junk mail folder. They system relies on content creators to be the middleman between the Community and the Community Managers. The system is largely flawed and needs to be reassessed and restructured. Getting information like feedback to Content Creators is like trying to get into contact with Hollywood celebrities. They’re so high up socially that it’s virtually impossible for just anyone to contact them nvm convince them that your feedback is worth passing on. If the feedback Fourm is just a junk mail folder then I recommend just shutting down the feedback Fourm altogether. I know Bungie won’t because of optics. But it’s the thing at the moment that optically doesn’t look good when the feedback Fourm is being treated as a junk mail folder.

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