I just added up the expenses of the cover art, ads, editing (which I only hired the editor for a chapter or two...not a conventional strategy), etc. I compared it to the earnings I've made from book sales and Patreon support.
And it turns out I've made several hundred dollars back from this venture.
Never thought this would happen. It was a passion project, little more. And I was very nervous about putting it out there. I actually had to have people push me and tell me to publish it. I don't know what to feel. Overwhelmed? (Imposter syndrome intensifies.)
Son of a Kaiju - ancien
Congrats that's a huge milestone -
Congrats. Editing is definitely the most costly part, so only getting a couple chapters edited probably helped a lot with that. For me to turn a profit on my second book I’d need to make something like $2,500 monies, md for HotW it’d be closer to $4,000.
That's amazing news!