publié à l'origine sous :TFS The Floods Sanctuary
Right now, I have no problems with talking to new people, talking with girls, dancing and having fun at parties, doing speeches in front of the class. I really feel like a new person for the better and made a 180 degree change in my life with past few weeks.
Sure I am not perfect, but I am improved a lot by being forced with social engagement and being put out of my comfort zone. If I can give advice, I would say be put out of your comfort zone and hang out with people who will help you to do so. Hell I been taking the main row of skits in front of whole sororties and made them laugh their ass off.
a lancé un nouveau sujet : How do you feel about kikashi hatake(3 commentaires))
Lies. All lies. Now touch yourself and go to sleep.
Too bad there's no cure for being annoying
Well good for you. I'm almost 21 and I'm still not cured of mine.
Cannabis helped me drastically.
Nice broski.
How about your stupidity and ignorance problems, did you fix those too?
You posted this because you still doubt yourself. You feel that posting this will make it real.
It's times like these were I'm really grateful that being social comes completely natural to me. Never did understand why so many people struggle with it, but a lot do.
I've been doing the same for the last few years. :D
Change your name back to Kikashi Hitake Name changing is for newfgts
Bout time.
Cool story, bro.