If you could only choose one of the roles listed above, which would you choose and why?
there are no roles in this game! its an fps. You do not need to tank or whatever. Its not an mmo in that aspect but it still is an mmo.....confusing i know
Amusing that the classes that are designed to assist others are by far the least chosen.
Modifié par Nick the Slick : 8/8/2014 7:44:51 PMKaiser roll
Sniper would be my choice. Covering fire and suppressing the enemy with well placed terror. I can hold my own up close, but I have to say I love seeing a body drop in the distance.
Tank because in the famous words of Captain Kirrahe "Hold the line!" (Mass Effect)
Where's role: Killer?
I prefer to be adaptable to any situation so I'm on call for whatever the team needs of me.
I voted tank because I play as Titan. I have a knack for being able to lock down bases by myself (until reinforcements get there).
I've played a medic/support in every mmo game I've played and I'm excited that Sunsinger in warlock class has that capability but I think that's really the only role possible, yeah you can have a "tank" but I haven't seen a way for titans to gain threat on enemies unless there's something I'm missing about the class. I just can't wait, I'm having major Destiny withdrawal right now :(
So if your class role was Ninja Wizard you'd be the happiest gamer around. Can't wait to see how it lets you play a role in game wether it's skill trees or persistent levelling up in the skills you use most
I would like a sniper choice
My role in the squad is officially known as Head Exploder. It's a shame you don't have one of those
you can tell that someones underage if they pick ninja
Bounty Hunter/Assassin. Take out the main guy then GTFO of there.
Now here is the question... Will anyone else be a RogueTeamplayer?
Modifié par Pukajlo : 5/13/2013 1:04:58 AMI can see myself in a guerrilla role. Tank, but I'll try to move faster. Maybe you can be a Titan but wear less armor so you can move faster, kind of sounds like hunter. Maybe I'll be a hunter.
I run a tribrid between medic, support, and wizard.
Ninja, mainly because you named it ninja...
What kind of sick bastard are you that this poll doesn't have a marksman?
Modifié par Airorcode : 5/12/2013 11:11:30 PMI think I'll go for casting spells, but if my team needs a medic or an Engineer, I think I can switch to that if possible.
Good question. I get easily distracted so probably all of the above. Hopefully we will be able to have multiple characters because i will not be able to stay focused on one character forever.
Ninja and Saboteur seem like they would be the most fun.
It would be nice if I wasn't forced into a class. I don't see why I shouldn't be able to heal my team while spitting fireballs and repairing a turret.