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5/25/2013 5:30:23 AM

Madness is of divinest sense!

Throughout the years, I have contemplated over and over again why it is that we idolize those people who are superficial and those who conform to the societal norms. I have come to the realization that the first world society as we know it today is inherently insane, and the only sane people in this world are the ones who are deemed to be crazy. It is the people in this world that do unusual and strange things who are actually more sane than you can ever begin to imagine. Those freak shows who pepper their face with metal rings and hooks and barbs and pins are actually the sanest people in the world because they could not possibly care less about what society thinks of them. Those of you who find yourselves following the crowd are the mad ones in this world. You may think that you are sane, but you don't realize that you have a terrible disease that can only be cured by a heavy dose of sanity. Our whole world is insane, and those of you who care about the whims of your shallow friends have no idea how insane you really are. You just like to pass yourself off as sane because it makes you feel accepted, when really nothing could be further than the truth. Only the crazies will hate this post.

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