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1/14/2014 6:15:19 AM

Your Character's Background/Story

What's [b]YOUR[/b] character's Background/Story-line in this here Destiny? [spoiler]I was created by an old man I call father, he taught me the ways of urban survival, I now reside with my helpful companion (Sabre-Wulf) in the depths of planet Venus, due to a drastic event the Earth withstood...[/spoiler]

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  • Name: Chloe"Missy" MacGraw Gender: Female Race: Human Age: 20 Height: 6'2 Class: Titan [b]Description:[/b]Pretty intelligent. That is to say pretty and intelligent. She is slightly taller then her fellow soldiers with a body to match, which she considers an curse from her parents. She also has long mahogany hair that is usually in a simple braid. Her most striking feature is her cerulean eyes that can easily make people nervous. Known to be very nimble and agile, even in her armor. Uses mid to close range weapons, especially her trusty hand cannon [i]Great Expectations.[/i] [b]Bio:[/b]Chloe was born after a hairy firefight in Old Chicago. Her parents, the Lepunts, were traveling with a group of refugees when they were pinned downed by large groups of Fallen Scouts and Patrols. After sending out a emergency signal, a fireteam of 4 guardians arrived to save the refugees. Another skirmish broke in which the commander of the fireteam abandoned his teammates for death at the hands of the Fallen. The guardians were saved when the refugees held off the enemy and moved the soldiers to safety. The situation then changed as the guardians and the refugees raced to escape Old Chicago. Only two made it out alive, a hunter known as MacGraw and baby Chloe. MacGraw, traumatized by the deaths of his fireteam and the sacrifices made by the refugees, blamed Chloe and vowed to kill his former commander for his betrayal. MacGraw ended up taking care of Chloe, but treated her like she was nothing. As she grew up, she would have to fend for herself or face MacGraw's strict discipline and disrespect. Her ruff upbringing has lead Chloe to become very curious about the world outside the walls and beyond, since she wanted to escape. In her teen years, she was forced to take on many jobs to support herself and MacGraw's growing alcoholism. The two slowly began to break apart in separate directions. MacGraw began getting in trouble and eventually became a bounty hunter. Chloe, on the other hand, began to expand on her education. At the age of 16, Chloe joined the academy, as she finally decided that she wanted to be explore the many lands and worlds beyond the Last City. After graduating a couple months shy of her 20th birthday, Chloe set out to start her her career. Regarded as one of the smartest of her class, her intelligence and tactical skill has made her a important member to those she works with. Though she is skilled, important figures have judged her by age. Because of this, she has lost many opportunities to go into active combat. As, for MacGraw, she seems interested in helping him with his problems despite his irreverent and brutal behavior. [b]Personality:[/b] Chloe is friendly towards everyone, especially those who she has never meet before. She is not afraid to voice her opinion and often offers good advice, but has gotten in trouble for speaking out of line. Always willing to help others in need and would give her life for others. She is very devoted to protecting the Last City and it's denizens. Curious about Golden Age relics and lands around her. She does have some faults, some of which that could be contributed to her ruff childhood. She may dislike MacGraw, but she does thank him for shaping her into the person is today. She has been judge by others based on her age, skill, and appearance, which has cause problems for her and her career as a guardian. Chloe often thinks about her biological parents and that has causes her emotions to change, but this has only been noted once. Overall, Chloe is a well rounded, intelligent titan who has a great future ahead of her.Daring, Disciplined, Adventurous, and most importantly, Brave. A character who I am to write about. Here's a link to the latest chapter: Hope you like it

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