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Modifié par bigemaster : 2/2/2014 4:56:18 PM

Amateur fantasy writer needs your opinion

So i just started on this little gig, hobby you could say writing fantasy stories. I've been doing it for many years, when i was bored or just needed a escape from reality. So now i come with this world, called Suptopias. - Who contains dozens of realms as Gorthina, Surina, Wathril and more. So im just gonna give it a shot really, take it or leave it. Give a cynical comment or some constructive advices of what i could do better beside the grammar errors. Thanks for reading this far though. I will drop the story as a second comment down below. Cheers!

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  • The Tales of Surina are far more than just its Land; there is more to it than you know. It began as all worlds begins with the creator and a destroyer. [b]The first 4000 years of Surina. [/b] In a world far away and yet not so far away from ours, there lays a world called Sutopias. The world was forced by the great spirit often called Spiritalis, who made different lands and continents on that world,. He made protectors to the lands, who were to hold and restore order in the world's. The great spirit gave life to 8 guardians. Roland the true hearted guardian who was made by Lion heart, eagle wings and man heart was the greatest. He and his other 8 brothers lived in peace; there were no wars and in 1000 of years. One Night the spirit of death who was the brother to Spiritalis, Thánatos, made the creation of his own. The creation was to set Sutopias wealth and peace into a dark doom of fire. That inevitable day Morrock was born; he was born cynical, death hungry, evil and he only spoke with lies and hate. Morrock was a shape shifter, and could take on any shape he wanted. The only form he is known for having taken the most is the form of a 8 feet tall Dragon. He wore and armor of black, spikes on the shoulders and was always covered in blood from his enemies. Morrock at an age of only 50 years old, already in full power was ready to wage war on every nine brother of Sutopias. This ongoing war lasted for countless winters and summers; there was no peace or time to breath. Morrock had defeated more than six brothers in the war of Thánatos his father. Yet Roland and one other brother, called Fortis who was shaped as a bear still held their ground. It was the age 3056, where the Battle for Gorthina was about to take place. Gorthina was the land of Fortis, where he had been given the task of holding it safe until Roland could arrive with his army from Surina. Roland never made it to Gorthina in time; the army of Morrock was too strong a match for even Fortis known for his legions of strong hearted creatures of all. [b]The Battle for Gorthina [/b] The battle had been on for hours, where Fortis and 50 of his greatest warriors where only the remaining forces to hold back the continuing spread of destruction that came with Morrocks wrath. Morrock had fought trough the army of Fortis, where he had arrived and looked at the furious Fortis fighting and slaying Morrocks warriors one by one. They fell like flies; they were nothing compared to the strong and might bear lord Fortis. Morrock grinned by the look of his brave Cousin and started to walk at him, Morrocks warriors stepped away from him in fear of him. Fortis still worrying about the ongoing evil creatures that charged him, didn't hear him coming. Morrock took the advantage, drew his sword forged in fel fire and attacked Fortis from behind. Fortis roared of anger full pain, and turned around with his double bladed axe and tried to hit the attacker. Morrock dodged and rose up, and turned his sword upside and rose with all his powers in his body with the sword. Fortis coughed and gasped for air, the fel fire sword had struck trough his armor chest and out trough his upper back. Morrock captured the eyes of his dying cousin, as he took the sword out of the chest. He then kicked the fallen Fortis to the ground and went onto his knees right next to him. Morrock took the sword and put it onto the body of Fortis and cleaned it with Fortis fur. Morrock then looked at Fortis, who had blood in his mouth and opened his mouth of lies. "Fortis the strong, Fortis the Faithfull... you've lost Gorthina, and now it shall be ashes and you will be ashes too, i most say, Fortis truly is Faithfull to his realm". Morrock then rose up and gazed upon the green country filled with life. Who seemed never to be touched by evil, until now. [b]The Battle for the Sun[/b] After Morrock had set the realm of fortresses to the ground by fel fire, he moved towards to the realm of the sun, Surina. Roland had his army of 45.000 creatures of Minataurs, Centaurs, Gargoyles, Animals, knights of our own race at his side. Roland knew his army was too few to hold ground to Morrocks army, fell fire is not only burning in nature but also in the mind. The fire had enslaved the remaining armies from the other seven brothers, increasing Morrocks army every time he won. Roland flew up with his wings he had been given, and looked with his lion eyes and gazed down onto the corrupt army. "There must be over three hundred thousand behind my wrathful cousin". Roland knew he could not hold them back, but he needed time to his plan of saving Surina from the fires of Morrock. Roland landed at his three loyal human commanders the youngest brother John Ashdown, his brother Laurence Ashdown and Victoria Thompson. Roland looked at the two elder human commanders; Laurence and Victoria stood firmly and knew their time was up. Roland gave signal to the army, and they split in half where some of them stayed, and the rest went back. John was confused by sudden change and yelled "Why are you going back! There enemy is out there!". Laurence took him on his shoulders and said "John.. you have to go" John looked at him with a confused mind and replied "What? No, im not leaving you or Victoria! Your my brother for god's sake!". Victoria looked at the two brothers, and she was scared in her eyes, her faith was locked. John shook his head of desperation and sad, full anger; Laurence took him by his chins and looked at him right into his desperate eyes. "My little brother, you must survive this war for me and be happy, promise me?". John looked at him with teary eyes and couldn't hold it in any longer and gave him a hug. The hug was strong and full of brotherly love; Victoria went to John and John hugged her, as well. Roland said to them that it was time to say their goodbyes; John and Laurence gave their last Farwell to each together. "Promise me John! Survive this war, become the man i never came to be, father John, a father!". John yelled and nodded with tears of his eyes that he will, John rose up on a horse and rode and never looked back from that day. As John rode away in the horizon, Laurence made a slow tear that slowly sank down from his eyes and became dry. The fires of Morrock were close; Laurence and Victoria turned around holding hands together. They looked at the reaming army, and Laurence held up his sword and the army chaired with such a roar that they say Morrock was frightened by the army. Laurence and Victoria turned their gaze upon the ongoing army of Morrock. Laurence looked at Victoria and said "For John Victoria, for his family". Victoria nodded and as all her fears was gone from her mind; she looked with no fear at the army of death. Laurence pointed as his sword at the Army and "For Surina! For Spiritalis! For Roland! For Life! For Sutopias!". Laurence ran towards at the army of Morrock, along with him came Victoria and the army of the sun. The battle had been the greatest and longest battle of all battles Morrock had been in. Laurence was in the legends known for had slain hundreds of enemies, but that number increased to thousands that day. Though Morrock still won the battle, Victoria was killed by Morrocks right hand Gargor, a strong and mighty fel Dragon. Laurence killed the right hand Gargor but was wounded by the fire of fel. He knew the fire would corrupt his mind, but he had to hold on for a time. Roland was a great spell caster and creator of protection; he builds a great wall who protected against evil. Morrock had faced Laurence, and they fought a sword fight that had gone into history for being the most complex and longest sword fight. No one stopped the fight; they didn't dare to go against either Laurence or Morrock both known for their sword skills. Laurence heart was slowly being more and more corrupted, but he fought on with all his power and love for his brother John. Morrock made a strike at Laurence sword, making him fall onto the ground. Laurence lost his sword in the fall, and he landed hard on the half rotten grass. Morrock was pleased by his move, and his tongue formed as a snake tongue showed briefly and went in again. Morrock was more snake than a dragon in mind but strong as a dragon in body. Morrocks chance was now, if he killed Laurence the rest would surrender to his will because Laurence was the only thing that could keep them away from his fel fire. Before Morrock could make his final blow with his sword, Roland landed with the speed of lightning right into the dragon lord of death. Morrock fell into the ground and landed on is stomach. Roland took Laurence by his feet but before he took of Morrock yelled at Roland. "You will not win Roland! All Sutopias will burn by the fel fire; this is not over!". Roland ignored the wrath of his Cousin and flew away, trough the wall he had created and into the land of Sun. In 50.000 years, Morrock is still at the gates of Gorthina, waiting for the wall to fall or Roland to go reckless and fight him once again. John survived, but the war was not over yet it won't end before either Sutopias is ashes or by the death of Morrock and his fel fire to stop breathing. John left Surina at the age of 40.000, and now lives among us somewhere. Roland had given him the task of keeping Surina safe, as a guardian in our world to protect our world from theirs. Laurence died by the wounds of the fel fire, and it is said that all who died by the fire turned to ashes. John knew Laurence loved the seas, so as he traveled he spread his ashes to every sea on Earth. He stills has some left; he hopes he can spread it into the oceans in the realm Wathril if Morrock is defeated one day.

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