II Smiggles II and I will be hosting the next Thursday Thump the 27th! Usually Smi makes the thread, but this time it's me!
It has been a long time since the last Thump, so I hope there will be lots of people!
The Thump starts around 8 AM PST (4 PM GMT) and will end when we want it to end! So it can go on all day.
This week will be Battlefield 3. Leave your GT, timezone, and time you wish to be online.
Welcome to the Thump.
I will make this a question post, so Smi can add things!
Modifié par Player3Th0mas : 2/27/2014 1:55:42 AMOther games can also be played! Battlefield 3, Halo Reach or Minecraft. I can't edit the OP, because I'm dumb.
So that's why I was being invited loads the other day.... It all makes sense now.
a game night im in town for, and i dont have any plans. [spoiler]yessssssssssssssssssss[/spoiler]
Modifié par Jaaake AU : 2/27/2014 5:21:34 PMThis is a really weird time and I'll have my mic plugged in but I can't talk at all At least until people start to wake up anyway
>TFW active BF3 player >PC It's okay, I-It's not like I wanted to play with you all anyway. I'll just stay here, playing with my 64 players and better graphics
Modifié par Jaaake AU : 2/27/2014 9:40:41 AMCAN I PLAY?! I already has smi added. BF3 is mah shit. I dun have Minecraft though :(
-blam!- yeah. I'm up for getting everyone's dog tags
What console?
x Hungry Yeti x (I know it's stupid, I made it when I was about 9 and don't feel like spending the money to change it) I can be on about 4:30-5PM EST and stay on till about 11PM
Ok, I'll be on in about 15 minutes
Smiggs is on right now.
Don't drop that dun dun dunnnn you did a great job makin this. Better than I could do!
:( I don't have BF3...
Needs more Battlefield 4
11:00pm on a school night? No thanks
Modifié par Kafuu Chino : 2/27/2014 3:03:13 AMAw shucks, my internet hotspot resets the day after :(
Modifié par Ingy : 2/27/2014 1:59:17 AMSweet [quote]Thursday[/quote] Not sweet And does it include PS3?
8:AM? lol I'm halfway through first period at that time
Modifié par DJ Mentle : 2/27/2014 2:53:57 AMNeeds more PC in this thread. EDIT: GT: Zombie Muffin22 timezone: PST (Kommiefornia) I regret that I can only play in the evenings, preferably after 6 and until 9 or 10.
Seriously, a Thursday? Why not do this on a Friday or Saturday?
Modifié par TechnoKat : 2/27/2014 8:43:41 AMEdit: of course. Scratch that. Family stuff.