II Smiggles II and I will be hosting the next Thursday Thump the 27th! Usually Smi makes the thread, but this time it's me!
It has been a long time since the last Thump, so I hope there will be lots of people!
The Thump starts around 8 AM PST (4 PM GMT) and will end when we want it to end! So it can go on all day.
This week will be Battlefield 3. Leave your GT, timezone, and time you wish to be online.
Welcome to the Thump.
I will make this a question post, so Smi can add things!
Modifié par Jaaake AU : 2/27/2014 5:21:34 PMThis is a really weird time and I'll have my mic plugged in but I can't talk at all At least until people start to wake up anyway