I was watching a caster on Twitch, and he said "Xbox" garble garble garble and the next thing I know my Xbox is trying to do voice commands.
I guess that it can't determine the voice from the TV from my own.
You could actually troll somebody in a game.
Terrible idea Microsoft.
You didnt know people already do that? There was a guy my friend said he was watching his video on vine or something he said in game chat loudly "XBOX TURN OFF... YES" needless to say he was the last person on his team.
Somewhere Mattricks is smiling.
My fiancee has shouted "XBOX TURN OFF" while I'm skyping her from my Xbox to no avail. Unless you've tweaked the settings, the Xbox One is supposed to compensate for the sound-waves coming from your TV.
That's why you don't screw with your Kinect after you set it up.
Use a headset scrub
I've had people do that before but never has it actually messed with my kinect ?
*unplugs kinect*
Well don't use it when you're watching a video. Problem solved.
[quote]It ain't nuttin to cut dat bitch off[/quote]
Then unplug it.
Step one Don't buy an Xbox One.
Mines had never done that.
Modifié par IVI1CR0S0F7 : 5/5/2014 3:30:20 AMMine only does that when the sound is coming from a source other than the TV. I even tested it with a friend who started saying voice commands on speaker from my 360 and people saying voice commands from YouTube on my One. Only when I played a similar video on my laptop did the Kinect listen. It's something on your end.
Recalibrate the kinect
I think it's a great idea but I'm guessing you either live alone or don't have a headset because I would be murdered for playing videos out loud
Then TROW AWAY THE -blam!-ING KINECT. [spoiler]Problem solved[/spoiler]
Go to System Settings and turn off your Kinect...
inb4 unplug it. inb4 get a PS4. inb4 get a headset. inb4 lol Xbox One.
Modifié par Ghost 0f Dawn : 5/4/2014 4:36:37 AMtriple post fail.
Modifié par Ghost 0f Dawn : 5/4/2014 4:35:05 AMnot inb4 lag double post.