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Recrutement des clans

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Modifié par Never Any Mercy : 7/8/2014 7:41:30 PM

xbox one elite fireteam

Looking for some badass players to start a fireteam with. Gotta get the best loot!

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  • Join the Dawnbreakers! We are a clan of Xbox one players that are quickly growing in numbers. We have a heavy focus on PvE progression while still maintaining a healthy focus in PvP. Right now we are in the birthing stage of the clan and are looking for team leaders that are focused and dedicated for all aspects of the game. We currently have a primary client site outside of We utilize the site more often because it has more capabilities right now then the clan forums for Bungie. You can even follow us on Twitter [url=]@DestinyDBX[/url] [url=]Clan Website[/url] [url=] Group[/url]

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