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7/21/2014 3:46:34 AM

Destiny Beta: Improvements and overall feedback

So what do you think since having played the beta. What things do you think can be fixed or tweaked a little. I am not talking nerfs to weapons im talking more about the actual game and environment. I for one would like to have the females actually talk when you drop in a control match and set the flag. Depending on who touches down should be the one speaking but even on a all female team we had a guy voice us as team bravo. Not a big thing but a idea. Also maybe mixing up a few of the beacon missions. It may be cause its the beta but i ran the entire map 3 times and each beacon just loops the exact same missions.

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  • Things I feel can be improved. -Fire Teams: 3 seems a bit low. I understand that they probably didn't in a hat and pick out the number of players on a FT, but I feel that 1-6 would be appropriate for the game. Both story/explore and crucible. To go along,l with that, joining a FT should be easier/quicker. If I am standing next to a guy and (assuming he has his privacy settings set to public) join his FT, I shouldn't be sent to orbit just to wait 2 minutes to be placed somewhere near him in the map. I was right next to him ffs. -Decision Times: Meaning the time it takes to go into orbit or do anything with a fireteam. I understand they don't want someone to push a button on accident which launches them into orbit or removes them from matchmaking in the crucible, but do I really need to hold a button for what feels like 5-10 seconds? 2-3 seconds seems a bit excessive, but surely would be an improvement. -Vaults: Add a sort function the vault. Since it is shared between your Guardians, please add a way to sort things so that cleaning it out is easier. Sort by level, guardian type (issue with gear, but not weapons), etc. -Item Management: In my search to come across the best level 8 gear I can get for my Guardian, I have come across a lot (A LOT) of lesser gear. They should add a way to sell or share that gear. I know I can dismantle the item, but when I see it at a vendor in the tower for 250 glimmer and dismantle it for 12, I feel a bit cheated. Not a big issue, but at least use Vaseline... I'd also like the option to share items, at least with friends. If I just found a great gun, but want my friend to have better gear than he currently has, I can gift my old gun(s) to him. Remember Bungie, sharing is caring. Voice: The more I think of this, the more it bugs me. The game is set up to be social...but you can't easily voice chat with people unless you join in a FT with them. I know I have read on the forums suggestions for proximity chat. Especially with the ability to enter a new area and meet/play with new people, voice chat gives you a great ability to use teamwork or verbally signal you've been "consumed by the darkness" and need a pick me up. I wouldn't make this an area wide thing, just close proximity (maybe link everyone who engages in a public events too). The proximity should help avoid people spamming the mics with their music or obnoxious behavior. Another way to overcome that is having a mute button optional... Just tough to realize the only way you can be social with random people in a social game is to point/wave/dance. Those often don't convey quite the message I would like to send to someone who just helped me out. These are just the thoughts that spring to mind quickly. I should take notes while playing for a more thurough suggestion for Bungie...not like they will read this anyway though. Hope they do, hopefully others comment on this and agree or disagree with my suggestions.

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    2 commentaires
    • 1) More variety in AI. Make the AI unpredictable and have things like lone invisible snipers run across the map and hunt you. (for example). They're too stationary and just serve as loot carriers to be picked off way too easily). 2)Beacon missions need more variety in the future as well; the more the better! 3) More public events! the more the better 4) More random timed events like the Iron Banner! Cool

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    • Beacon missions and increased frequentcie of public events would be cool

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    • I agree with you on the beacon missions.

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