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Recrutement des clans

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7/22/2014 11:06:25 PM

Knights of the Old Age!

The mission of this clan is to have a group of friends, Knights that will play co-op, pvp, pve, exploration story missions and help other players to uncover the mysteries of the Destiny Universe, I would love to see this clan grow and be awesome, it doesn't matter what language you speak in this universe I imagine that the barriers of language have been broken. This is for the Moment a PS4 clan and this is the Lore of our Knights Order: "In the Golden Age of Humanity our order was forged by the Light of the Traveler, generation after generation our knights had fought along side the traveler to keep Humanity safe... Old records tell us that most of our order was wiped out in the great battle of Venus, the home of our Order, that's all that we could recover. But some survive and now we are ready to take the battle against the Darkness and recover all that we lost, learn the secrets of knights that fought before us and uncover the truth behind the downfall of humanity and our Order."

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