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publié à l'origine sous :The Garage
Modifié par Porsche 914 : 7/31/2014 8:55:15 PM

Why did you pick your car(s)?

What made you choose your car(s)? Was it the performance? The styling? I picked my Celica because I loved the way it looked. It's one of the best looking cars ever made in my opinion. I fell in love with the way it drove too. It's not the fastest car or the best handling car, but I have a blast driving it. I just love the way it feels, and when I get in everything just feels right. Yeah it has almost no aftermarket support and if I want more power I have to go through a lot of work. But you know what? I don't really care. My Celica is special and sticks out in a crowd. I love it to death and I will never ever sell it.

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