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Modifié par Toa Axis : 8/20/2014 6:20:06 AM

The Onion appreciation thread

The Onion is a satirical news source that is amazing on every front. I always want to show people this site because they're almost always hilarious and spot on. Some of their more recent articles include: [url=,36695/]New Study Finds Humans Shouldn’t Spend More Than 5 Consecutive Hours Together[/url] [url=,36697/]Tips For Being An Unarmed Black Teen[/url] [url=,36717/]The Pros And Cons Of Militarizing The Police[/url] [url=,36580/]Experts: Ebola Vaccine At Least 50 White People Away][/url] [url=,36536/]Obama To Cut Costs By Packing Lunch Every Day For U.S. Populace[/url] And one of my favorites: [url=,464/]Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'[/url] Discuss! They're one of my favorite sites to visit, because it's insightful but also hilarious. EDIT: They also have a companion site called [url=]ClickHole[/url] that imitates Buzzfeed. Also very funny.

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