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10/31/2014 1:18:57 AM

That's how it is

I notice a gray deal of people complaining and whining about this game and yet no one wants to stop because they're still holding on the non-existent hope that everything bungie built up and lied about will finally happen. Here's the sad truth it won't happen. The entire story was scrapped for the sole purpose of reaping mass benefits while putting for the most minimal effort possible. Welcome to what gaming has become. A soulless industry that prays upon the innocence of the young and immature, and also upon the weakness that we all have. Our hope. Our hope that this game will finally be the game we have all waited for . I know I for one solemnly believed that Bungie would have been the one to save the gaming industry from this downward spiral that companies like activison have put it on. But neigh, they like all the others intentionally dumbed down the exposition into non-existence, and furthermore simplified even the simplest of missions in order to appeal to a vast audience of immature gamers. Gamers who lack the intelligence to follow a complex story, and lack the maturity to care enough about immersion and development. They just want to go from point A to point B; mindlessly shooting shit until the "mission accomplished" phrase goes across the screen. They love the simplicity and nonsensical nature of the "horde mode" type defense because it's something they're good at. I though you were better than this Bungie. Of all of the developers left, I believed you would have been the one to save us from this nightmare that is today's gaming industry. But I was wrong, you're no better than the rest. And while I can not speak for the rest, nor can I stop them from giving you money despite your lack of effort and empathy, I can guarantee that you will NEVER receive another dime of my money.

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