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Recrutement des clans

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Modifié par Jonasan : 2/16/2015 10:16:03 PM

★PS4 [US] PVE/PVP Clan!!★ Recruiting! {Prisoners of War} ★33 Clanmates/91 Members/192 Followers★ And growing! We are a PS4 PVE Clan. We do enter PVP matches on occasion, but its not definitive of who we are as a clan. When we do PVP, we try our best to work as a team. Prisoners of War is a mature clan for all types of players and all levels of commitment. We want to be a place where you can always find someone to get things done with. Some of us want to goof around exploring, discovering and socializing, some want to take on the hardest raids and aim for world firsts. Remember we're here to have fun. The strength of the pack is important to us.Also, having a mic is very important for this game. If you're interested in joining this clan, click on the link. Remember setting a clan as your playstation clan gets your group name in your banner and probably will be invited to more group events. Update: We are currently recruiting for 1-2 members for my hardcore group, Please make sure you fit this criteria: you have 3 32's each different class (hunter/tank/warlock), Have experience with current hardmode (crota's end), Schedule would be Tuesdays/Wednesdays 5-9 (eastern time) please send me a message if you fit the bill. Thanks!

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