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publié à l'origine sous :The Garage
11/29/2014 11:07:11 PM

I drove a focus st and loved it.

The focus st has been a car I've wanted to drive for the longest time. It looks good, is quick, and practical. It's everything I like in a fun dd. So what I think after driving it? The car is great. It's pretty damn quick. There's a bit of torque steer with it but I didn't mind too much, it kept me on my toes. My biggest complaint was the shifter. It was terrible. My 95 Civics shifter feels better than the focus's. However I'm sure a nice short shifter would fix that. Besides that small niggle I had no complaints. The one I drove had the optional recaros which are a must if you ask me. The seats were great and so was the driving position. It cornered pretty well too but there was a slight lack of road feel but I can't fault it. All in all it's a serous contender for my next car. I just have to see if its' little brother the fiesta ST is any better.
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